4 Online Video Marketing Tips For Small Business Owners

Marketing via the internet has been proven effective by the vast improvement of the numbers with many “new age” webpreneurs. Many small business skeptics are looking for overwhelming reasons to say “NO” to putting money into advertising online, yet 1-in-3 have tangibly committed to doing so by the break of 2011. The culture of offline business is fast changing, as are its entrepreneurs.

If you are looking for video marketing tip for small business owners, I’d like to first share with you why video marketing has become so important. Back in 2008, YouTube surpassed Yahoo as the internet’s 2nd largest search engine. Since then, Google has taken its subsidiary company, YouTube to the moon using video.

Brian Tracey, acclaimed and touted sales expert has recently been quoted to saying, “Using video, rather than the traditional sales presentation protocols (Power Point flip charts) is 50% more effective at relaying a message.” Tracey let out the fact that we’ve become a world obsessed by the one-eyed monster.

The television, video games, interactive websites and many other visually stimulating channels of marketing has left video marketing experts to use this tool more often when satisfying a customer’s needs. If you promise to follow these 4 online video marketing tips for small business owners, I’ll guarantee that you will not be disappointed with the results – you can take that to the bank.

1. Cater to your consumer’s reliance on the Internet and mobile media. Driving business by taking advantage of these new platforms so your prospects and customers can find you, hear about you and, ultimately, buy from you is not a “wild west” idea. The marketing paradigm has shifted.

2. Marketing has shifted from a one-way broadcast to a multi-point conversation. In the past, communications were “broadcast” exclusively through mass marketing channels like radio, TV, newspapers and even the door-to-door distribution of directories like the Yellow Pages and other print publication.

3. Know the numbers behind marketing via video. YouTube sees 2 million videos uploaded everyday, 4 million videos auto-played everyday, and for the last 14 months, the home page of YouTube.com has been sold out.

4. Once uploading a video, take advantage of the free “hot link” by typing in your site address as the first things in the description area. This 4th tip is critical because most don’t realize the whole point of marketing with video is to drive traffic to your site, ultimately allowing you to monetize it.

In conclusion, these 4 online video marketing tips for small business owners were designed for you to second-guess yourself next time you spend money that was not well invested. Video sharing sites are typically free, but the price of not using video to campaign your message can be extremely costly.